Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Manitoba Made?

Have you seen the "Manitoba Made" signs around stores lately? This program is supported by the Manitoba Food Processors Association and their website includes a list of Manitoba Made Brands.

While it is great to support local business, I do want to make a specific note regarding these products: they are processed in Manitoba and many of them do not use ingredients from Manitoba.
Coffee can be roasted in Manitoba, but the coffee beans were not grown in the province, and perhaps we are all aware of that. But baked goods with flour, or tofu with soybeans, while processed in Manitoba, are not necessarily made with wheat or soybeans that were grown in Manitoba. When you support these companies, ask for more information and request that they use ingredients from this province! There are also many smaller farmers and processors deserving of your support as well (who have not paid the MFPA to join the organization) - be critical with your shopping cart.

Happy Eating!

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